

Ordering an IRS8821Transcript product.

Get the URL from your Pitchpoint Account Representative of where you should be submitting your orders to.

# use the `base64` program to encode the pdf file in base64 
file=$( base64 -i test-pdf.pdf )
  "Attachments": {
    "Attachment": [
        "Classifier": "irs8821TranscriptAuthorizationConsentCombined",
        "ContentType": "application/pdf",
        "Document": "%%FILE_DATA%%"
  "CorrelationID": "IndividualIRS8821W2",
  "Preferences": {
    "Preference": [
        "Key": "IRS8821TaxClassificationType",
        "Value": "Individual"
        "Key": "IRS8821TaxYearsRequested",
        "Value": "2023,2022,2021"
        "Key": "IRS8821HasIRSAccount",
        "Value": "false"
        "Key": "IRS8821FormRequested",
        "Value": "W-2 - Employee Earnings"
  "Terms": {
    "Term": [
        "Person": {
          "DOB": "01/15/1970",
          "FirstName": "Melvin",
          "HomePhone": "212-555-1234",
          "LastName": "Frost",
          "MiddleName": "Antonio",
          "Residences": {
            "Residence": [
                "Address": {
                  "AddressLine1": "12 Any St",
                  "City": "New York",
                  "PostalCode": "21200",
                  "State": "NY"
                "CurrentIndicator": true
          "SSN": "111223333",
            "ConsentToken": [
# Replace the place holder %%FILE_DATA%% with the actual base64 encoded bytes 
data=$(echo "$data" | sed "s#%%FILE_DATA%%#$file#g")

curl -X POST "${url}"
-H "Authorization: Bearer your_access_token_here" 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-H "Accept: application/json" 
-d "${data}"

Header Properties

Property Value Required?
Content-Type application/json true
Accept application/json false

Request Data Properties

Property Description Type
Attachments (mandatory) See section below for more details. object
CorrelationID (mandatory) A user-defined reference number to help identify the order. Does not need to be unique. string
Preferences (mandatory) See section below for more details. object
Terms (mandatory) See section below for more details. object
Property Description Type
Classifier (mandatory) Must be the string irs8821TranscriptAuthorizationConsentCombined string
ContentType (mandatory) The mime-type for the input file. Typically this will be application/pdf string
Document (mandatory) The base64 encoded bytes of the file string
Key Description Type
IRS8821TaxClassificationType (mandatory) Tax classification of the order. Must be one of Individual or Company string
IRS8821TaxYearsRequested (mandatory) A comma separated list years requested. Valid years are current year and up to 4 years ago. E.g. This year is 2024. Therefore valid years are: 2024,2023,2022,2021,2020 string
IRS8821HasIRSAccount (mandatory) Boolean indicating whether or not to attempt to use the IRS account boolean
IRS8821FormRequested (mandatory) Form requested type. Must be one of
1040 - Record of Account,
1040 - Return Transcript,
W-2 - Employee Earnings,
1099 - Self-Employed Earnings,
1065 - Partnership Return Transcript,
1065 - Partnership Record of Account,
1120 - Corporate Return Transcript,
1120 - Corporate Record of Account,
1120S - S Corporation Return Transcript,
1120S - S Corporation Record of Account,
or All Income Data
IRS8821TestMode (optional) Enable test mode. Valid test mode values are
normal - demonstrates regular behaviour,
ready - returns a report immediately,
invalid - returns an error report indicating the borrower’s ssn was invalid

Test mode note: Orders in test mode will return immediately, unlike live requests which will return a pending response on successful orders.
Property Description Type
Person One of Person or Participant must be defined. See section below for more details. object
Participant One of Person or Participant must be defined. See section below for more details. object
Property Description Type
DOB (optional) Date of Birth – in the MM/DD/YYYY format string
FirstName (mandatory) First name of the person string
MiddleName (optional) Middle name of the person string
LastName (mandatory) Last name of the person string
HomePhone (optional) Home phone number string
SSN (mandatory) Social Security Number of the person string
  (mandatory) Residences.Residence  
CurrentIndicator (mandatory) Indicates whether the address is the current place of residence. boolean
  (mandatory) Residences.Residence.Address  
AddressLine1 (mandatory) Line1 of the residence of a person string
City (mandatory) City of the residence of a person string
State (mandatory) State of the residence of a person. 2-character code indicating which state. string
PostalCode (mandatory) 5 digit zip code of the residence. string
  (optional) ConsentTokens.ConsentToken  
Type (optional) Consent token type string
Value (optional) Consent token value string
Property Description Type
CompanyName (mandatory) Company name string
  (mandatory) Items.ParticipantItem object/array
Key (mandatory) Must be the value TaxIdentificationEIN string
Value (mandatory) Employer Identification Number string
  (mandatory) Address object
AddressLine1 (mandatory) Line1 of the company address string
City (mandatory) City of the company address string
State (mandatory) 2-character code of the company’s state string
PostalCode (mandatory) 5 digit zip code of the company address. string
  (optional) ConsentTokens.ConsentToken  
Type (optional) Consent token type string
Value (optional) Consent token value string



The input data is echo-ed back with following additional fields:

Property Description Type
TransactionID A Pitchpoint generated identifying string to uniquely identify this loan string
  Messages.Message – A list of messages regarding the result of the order  
Category Typically one of Info or Fault to indicate whether or not this is an information message or an error message. string
Code Unique code for the Message. Typically, this is I004 when an order has initially been submitted, as PPS is still processing the order. When the report has successfully been generated, you should see a value of I001. A value starting with EXXX generally indicates an error. string
Description Description of the message string
Ref The url to query to retrieve the results of the order string
  Status – An object that states the current status of the order as related to billing matters.  
Code The status code. This will typically be U001 during the ordering phase as Pitchpoint has not completed generating the reports. However once the report has been successfully generated this will typically become S001 string
Description A description of the code string


  "TransactionID": "0000000000000134076",
  "Messages": {
    "Message": [
        "Category": "Fault",
        "Code": "E001",
        "Description": "1980 is not a valid IRS8821TaxYearsRequested value. Valid values are 2024,2023,2022,2021."
  "Ref": "http://localhost:8080/riskinsight-services-ws/resources/v1/sami/0000000000000134076",
  "Status": {
    "Code": "U001",
    "Description": "Unserviceable"
  "(echoed input data)": ...,

For a complete list of possible Message

Error Codes

This section will continue to be updated (and examples added) as more information becomes available.

Code Description
ACT0101 Correct the borrower’s last name then resubmit the order.
ACT0102 Correct the business name then resubmit the order.
ACT0203 If the SSN on the signed 8821 is correct, just edit the SSN on the order then resubmit. \nIf the SSN on the order is correct, have the authorized user sign a new 8821.
ACT0204 If the EIN (Employer ID Numbers) on signed 8821 is correct, just edit the EIN on the order then resubmit. \nIf the EIN on the order is correct, have the authorized user sign a new 8821.
ACT0305 Address or TIN (Tax Identification Number) incorrect. Please verify with borrower then resubmit.
ACT0406 Attach an 8821 and Consent Form, then resubmit.
ACT0407 Attach an 8821 then resubmit.
ACT0408 Attach a Consent Form then resubmit.
ACT0509 Add tax year to 8821, obtain signature, then resubmit.
ACT0610 Attach signed forms, then resubmit.
ACT0611 Attach signed 8821, then resubmit.
ACT0612 Attach signed Consent Form, then resubmit.
ACT0713 Attach an 8821 then resubmit.
ACT0814 Change column (b) on 8821 to 1120, 1120S, or 1065, get signed, and resubmit
ACT0915 Complete section 1 "Taxpayer information" on 8821, get signed, and resubmit
ACT0115 request does not exist
ACT0116 Borrower does not exist
ACT0117 Invalid or blank TIN
ACT0118 Invalid or blank first name
ACT0119 Invalid or blank last name

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