Query your orders based on the provided criteria.
curl -X POST https://api.pointservices.com/riskinsight-services-ws/resources/v1/orders/query
-H "Authorization: Bearer your_access_token_here"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"limit": 100,
"marker": "",
"filters": {
"Created": {"ge":"2024-04-09T18:42:22.705Z","le":"2024-04-10T18:42:22.712Z"}
Header Properties
Property | Value | Required? |
Content-Type | application/json | false |
Accept | application/json | false |
Request Data Properties
Property | Description | Type | Default |
limit | (optional) Max number of results to return in the response. Limit will be restricted to 100 if the value given is larger than 100 or less than 1. | number | 100 |
marker | (optional) From where to start returning the next sequence of searches. | string | |
filters | (optional) Filters to apply to the query. See below for the DSL. | object |
Filter Data DSL
Query DSL Comparison Operators
Filter expressions support eq, ne, in, gt, lt, ge, le, startsWith and startsWithIgnoreCase
represents equalsne
represents not equalsin
represents a list of values that a property can begt
represents that a property should be greater than the supplied valuelt
represents that a property should be less than the supplied valuege
represents that a property should be greater or equal to the supplied valuele
represents that a property should be less than or equal to the supplied valuestartsWith
represents that a property should begin with the supplied valuestartsWithIgnoreCase
represents that a property should begin with the supplied value and case is not important
Query DSL Supported Properties
: Date and Time the order was completed. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in
: Date and Time the order was created. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in
: Date and Time the order was fulfilled. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Unique identifier for the order. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Summary of the order. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Company name of the order owner. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Contact mechanism of the order owner. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Display name of the order owner. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Display name of the product that was ordered. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Type of the product that was ordered. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Reference number of the order. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Boolean value indicating if the report is available. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
: Status of the order. Supports comparison operatorseq, ne, in, gt, ge, lt, le, in, startsWith, startsWithIgnoreCase
Supported Date and Time formats
EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z
e.g.Mon, 11 Apr 2022 10:30:00 -0400
It’s important to supply the timezone since the api will use the timezone to compare the date and time of the query.
Code | Description |
yyyy | four digit year, e.g. 2024 |
MM | two digit month, e.g. 04 |
dd | two digit day, e.g. 09 |
‘T’ | seperator between the date and time. Should always be [ T ] |
HH | two digit hour in 24-time format, e.g. 14 (for 2pm) |
mm | two digit minute, e.g. 04 |
ss | two digit second, e.g. 05 |
SSS | three digit nano seconds, e.g. 000 |
‘Z’ | exactly UTC (Zulu) time zone. Should always be [ Z ] |
Z or ZZ | UTC offset, e.g -0400 |
EEE | three char code for the day name of the week, e.g. Mon |
Example Queries
The following is an example of a search between two dates query that’s inclusive
The following is an example of a search between two dates query that’s exclusive
Property | Description | Type | Default |
count | Total number of results returned in this request. If the count is less than limit there are no more results to return | number | 100 |
limit | Echoed from the request or 100. If count is less than limit , then there are no more results to return | number | 100 |
nextMarker | The marker to use in the next request to get the next set of results. If this property is absent, than that means that there is definitively no more results to return. However, if this value is present, than there is a possibility that there maybe more results to be returned. | string | |
results | The list of orders returned. | array |
"count" : 100,
"limit" : 100,
"nextMarker" : "5705424597053369344",
"results" : [ {
"Completed" : "2024-02-05T20:49:44.000Z",
"Created" : "2024-02-05T20:49:42.000Z",
"Deleted" : false,
"Fulfilled" : "2024-02-05T20:49:42.000Z",
"OrderGuid" : "2992759493555823372",
"OrderSummary" : "Cyril Figgins",
"OwnerCompanyName" : "Bloggins Bank",
"OwnerUserContactMechanism" : "joe@blogginsbank.com",
"OwnerUserDisplayName" : "Bloggins, Joe",
"ProductDisplayName" : "ADV-AB-BeforeReconfirm",
"ProductType" : "ADV",
"ReferenceNumber" : "7058934124",
"ReportAvailable" : true,
"Status" : "complete"
}, ... ]
Property | Description | Type | Default |
message | String description of what went wrong | string |
"message" : "Unsupported field: InvalidField"
"message" : "Unsupported operator: NotARealOperator for field: ReferenceNumber"