Installing Postman

  1. Download Postman: Visit the Postman website and download the appropriate version for your operating system.
  2. Install Postman: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system to install Postman.

Downloading the Postman Collection

  1. Download the Collection: Click here to download the Postman collection.
  2. Unzip the Collection: Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to a location on your computer.

Importing the Collection into Postman

  1. Open Postman: Launch the Postman application.
  2. Import the Collection:
    • Click on the Import button in the top-left corner of the Postman interface.
    • Select the Upload Files link.
    • Navigate to the location where you extracted the zip file and select the .json file to import the collection.

Updating Variables with Your Credentials

  1. Get Your Credentials: Obtain your username and password from PitchPoint. If you plan to order a product, you may need to verify the model name of the product matches the one in the Postman file.
  2. Update Variables:
    • In Postman, double-click on the imported pps-public collection.
    • Click on the Variables tab.
    • Update the pps_username and pps_password variables with your credentials.

By following these steps, you will have Postman set up with the PitchPoint Postman collection, and you will be ready to start making API requests.

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